Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Suck it Rick!

Yes I have written about how pissed I am about Rick Warren at the inauguration but I keep seeing things that make me more angry. So Obama wants to have an inclusive service by including someone who is the leader of a church where "unrepentant gays were forbidden from joining the church."

Suck it Rick!
Not surprising that a Christian leader would be a closed minded bigot. Further proof that most Religion (with a capital "R") is destructive and mean.

Suck it Barack!
FYI -the gays make up part of your base. So far you are travelling down the path of every other asshole politician. This is why I am an Independent. All these political dickwads don't support gay marriage, oh sure they support civil unions, but marriage is too sacred an institution to allow the gays in.
Bill Clinton signs DOMA (The Defense of Marriage Act) and then has his intern suck him off...take that marriage. John Edwards doesn't believe in gay marriage and then sinks it in his producer...sorry wife with cancer. Larry Craig also hates the gays...unless you are the dude in the stall next to him. The list goes on...fucking hypocrites.

Oh one other thing in relation to Gay Marriage vs. Civil Unions....how about we only call our Presidents, Presidents when they are white, and black Presidents will be called Head of Country. You have all the same duties and responsibilities as Presidents but because you are black we have to call it Head of Country. How does that feel Head of Country-elect?

FYI - I still love Barack but he doesn't get a free ride. Lord knows he is 1000 times better than McStain could have been.

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