Saturday, June 20, 2015

Hello world (again)

C2 reminded me that I had this and after reading things thought I'd try this again. 

Using the app so excuse spelling and punctuation. 

I leave for my 10th work trip Monday morning at 4 am so look for some posts soon. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dr. Who

C2 and I are currently making our way through the Dr. Who series (the newer ones not the old ones.) I'm liking them so far, the effects are a bit cheesy but hey this was 2005. John Barrowman just showed up last night; he is adorable. We have to turn the TV up real loud because for the first 5-10 minutes of watching the show we have no idea what they are saying. I know they are speaking English but I swear sometimes it's like listening to a whole different language. Sorry for the boring post; I'm really busy and want to still post something.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Michael Jackson Medley

I am so impressed with this kid...and a bit jealous that he can sing and is clearly smarter than me.

Catching up...Africa

Catching up...Africa

In July I traveled again to Uganda to work for 20 days. This time we built a boys dormitory that allowed the boys attending the vocational school to stay on the grounds. Before the dorm they were walking every day to get to school and as you can imagine the attendance rate was pretty low. You can read all about the trips (Uganda 07; Atlixco, Mexico; Montana; Uganda 09 etc) at It was another successful trip and it was nice to see the special needs school we built in 2007 being used (they went from 9 to 40 students.) I got to really like some of the people I traveled with; there were 12 high school and college kids and 10 or so adults. I enjoyed most of the kids but some of the adults are crazy. I could rant for 20 pages about uptight adults but this is just supposed to be a quick catch up.

We rafted the Nile again and as in 2007 it was wild. The Nile starts in Uganda (its actually called the White Nile) and the river is mostly class 5 rapids (which should actually be higher if you ask me because class 5's in the states are tiny compared to the Nile rapids.) This year I was in the boat with S & B. We were having a good time and as we head over one of the beginning rapids I hear a "pow" and wonder, "why is there so much water in our raft?" The pow was one of the side tubes popping. The whole group of 7 or so boats pull to the bank and divided my boat into the other boats. I ended up in a boat with an Australian, a Brit or two and some Irish. All of which were kind of annoying and had never been whitewater rafting before. The Nile is really not a beginner river.

If you don't know rafting, the boat HAS to oar together otherwise you don't get anywhere. The front two in the boat are supposed to oar in unison (which isn't that hard) and the rest of us behind them follow their lead. In my boat the guy in the front right was hung over and he couldn't find a rhythm so the rest of the boat couldn't really follow his lead. As a result our boat kind of duck waddled down the river.

We (barely) made it through the first couple of rapids and are in a slow patch of water where the lead guide (an adorable rugged little Aussie with a permanent 5 o'clock shadow, the right kind, pattern and amount of chest hair and a heavy dose of zinc oxide on his nose) tells all the boats that this is NOT a section of the river that you "want to go swimming." Here a hydroelectric dam is being built and the banks of the river are slowly growing to meet in the middle. The river here is fast, very, very fast and the rapid is very long. The boats all wait as one at a time they head through the rapid. Most make it ok, some flip towards the bottom of the rapid.

Towards the end of the pack, my boat waddles into the rapid and we hit the very first wave wrong. The boat flips. I am on the low side so as it flips the tube smacks me on the head and sends me to the bottom. I am an experienced swimmer. I was an all state and all conference swimmer in high school (even have the letter jacket to prove it.) I am very comfortable in the water and now that I am in the river I hold on to my life vest and just let the river toss me around knowing that eventually it will spit me out.

Initially I think this is fun, I keep waiting for my head to pop above the water. Nothing. The light on the other side of my closed eyes is still really dark. I begin to wonder if I am stuck under the boat so I run my arm around me to see if I can feel the raft. Nothing. My lungs are starting to burn. I begin to get a little worried so I start to swim but quickly remember that the river is tossing me around and what I think is up might actually be down, so I stop. After what seems like hours my lungs are about to burst and I open my eyes and see only dark. I look around and see a very faint blue green glow and start to try to swim in that direction.

I very distinctly remember thinking that I wasn't going to make it and my body was going to gasp for air underwater. I remember thinking that I am sure the guides are CPR trained, my group leaders are wilderness first responders and if they get to me quick enough I am sure they can revive me. I remember getting very sad thinking about my parents, siblings and C2. I remember a brief minute of peace staring at the pretty blue-green as my body gives up.

Then my head pops very briefly above the surface. I gasp and take in a refreshing gulp of air and fair amount of river water before I was pulled under again. This time under was shorter and I am pushed above water again and look around. I am 100 yards or so further down river from the last rescue boat and rescue kayaks. I raise my hand and the last rescue boat sees me. As the boat gets closer I hear the guide yelling at his boaters to paddle harder. It is my furry little handsome man from Australia and he is my hero.

He pulls me into the boat and I land on his tan, perfectly furry, nicely built, slightly body odor-esque little body. Maybe I did die, I think, because this is heaven.

Once situated, he asks in his delightful little accent, "Did you open your eyes?"
"Uh huh."
"What did you see?"
"Nothing." I respond.
"Wow, you were on the bottom...and down there for a long time."
No shit.

That rapid was the last before "lunch island" and it turns out five of the eight from that boat quit. One girl chipped a tooth and another had a fierce bloody nose. I stayed but made sure I was with S & B. It was the closest "near death experience" I've ever had and at the end of the day I sent a very tear filled email to my parents, siblings and C2 about how much I loved them and about the river. My mom was so pissed.

Sometimes I dream of that blue-green and my chest tightens and I can feel a small panic attack come on BUT I will raft again. In fact when I travel to work in Nepal over Christmas, I plan to whitewater raft in the Himalayas.

How cool does that sound?

Catching up...Montana Worktrip

Here is yet another attempt at restarting this thing.

Catching up from last summer...

Last June I spent 10 days at Flathead Lake, Montana as one of the "adult advisors" with about 50 high school kids cleaning up a summer camp just before the real summer campers showed up. These big youth worktrips are a ton of fun and luckily for me they are very light on the God talk. I never went to summer camp as a kid and these trips let me experience some of what I might have missed (I even slept in bunk beds with all the adults). The drama is high (high school girls can be so mean to each other) and the work is hard but I have a huge amount of fun. It turns out I don't suck at interacting with high school's probably because I talk like a sailor and control them by mocking and belittling.

I even had my own camp crush. C2 knows all about it (and incidentally also has a crush on him.) At our after trip adult meeting my co-worker (who is kind of an idiot) told my crush "Larry you have a crush on him, you're both gay, why don't you just bone." Thank you very much. So I had to own it and told the crush, "yeah I have a crush on you, big deal, I'm allowed to crush on people." We're friends now and C2 and I keep trying to get him into a threesome but we are failing miserably. The first attempt ended with me having a nasty allergic reaction to Hypnotic (I know, gross, it's C2's) and spent the WHOLE night barfing while they all went out and C2 failed to close the deal; he opted for breakfast over boners. The second time we all went out and the crush found a hot boy and left like 10 minutes after arriving (he ended up barfing all night so we dodged a bullet.) We've kind of decided to give up and let things go how they might go. Oh if this is shocking, nothing is wrong with C2 and I (if you care); we follow Dan Savage's idea of monogamy and relationships. We aren't in an open relationship, but we are open to conversations about all sorts of things...the level of honesty in our relationship is really refreshing.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The only version of this song that is good! ♫

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Sweetjesuscyclinginspandex WHAT. IS. THIS?!?!

Since I am a giant ghost, bigfoot, alien, yeti, nessie, chupacabra loving nerd this video gets me quite excited. I'm thinking this is either first contact or maybe some kind of Stargate wormhole thingy. Oh please let this be a big giant hello from little grey men (and women)(that is of course if they have sexes). Some are saying it was a failed Russian rocket but they're wrong.

Maybe I've just got the paranormal on the brain cause I've stumbled on to The Mysterious Universe podcast ( that is an awesome fun ghosty, yeti, ufo-ey hour of true stories, debunking and general spookiness.
Baby I'm freezing... ♫

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chasin' Some Muscle

What in THE hell is this?!?

Hi World

So it has been a LOOONG hiatus, no real reason...time maybe, BUT I am back. I am gonna try in earnest to write something at least 3 times a week, hopefully more.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Although I might like it for one afternoon... ♫

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Green scales fell like rain. ♫

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Racists Bitches

Howdy! I will update more about my crazy summer but right now I am a little drunk and want to rant.

I'm so over my country right now.

I am sick and tired of the crazy anti Obama nitwits. First it is the bailout, now it is healthcare reform. 99% of these dickwads don't know what the fuck they are talking about. If I hear one more asswipe say anything about a socialist/nazi US because of a national healthcare system I am going to ask them if they think we run a Nazi water treatment plant or if their local firehouse is some socialist spy network or if, when they need the police to help them, they think the SS is coming. THOSE ARE GOVERNMENT RUN OPTIONS you fucking dumbass.

I've figured it out. These fuckwads are racists, plain and simple, racist, KKK, skinhead, cross burning, my mom is my fucking grandma/aunt may dickheads (I love the word dickhead btw.) This all stems from the outrage about the President wanting to talk to school age kids....yeah the fucking democratically elected President of my United States of America wanting to talk to fucking kids AND then tonight during Obama's speech when dickwad (also like that word) Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) called Obama a liar during his speech. Really?!?! No one called Bush a liar when HE LIED. I can't remember anyone interrupting a president during his speech. I am calling a spade a spade, no more we agree to are a FUCKING RACIST. If he was a white old fuckbag this would be a different story...stop being a racist!

I will update about my busy ass summer in a bit.
Still in my head. ♫

Friday, August 21, 2009

Don't threaten me Al! You're out of shape, I'll kick your arse. ♫

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Two men enter, one man leave! Me order! Me Master! Me run Bartertown! ♫
thinks he needs more Donna Summer in his life. ♫

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ain't nothin' wrong...with lovin' chunky. ♫

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I'm currently driving through Wyoming on the way to Flathead Lake,
Montana. I'll be working with 45 high school kids. I am eavesdropping
on two of them go from discussing the digestive system of songbirds
and geese to the stationary front that must be causing all the rain.
Kids are weird. One of them asked me after the song Ghostbusters if
it was from a movie or just a song. Oh so sad. Yup I am an old bitch
she was born in the mid 90s.

Friday, June 12, 2009


At my house after the Stanley Cup

Chris: They should stop kissing the cup and start kissing each other.

I Want a Banana Costume

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gay is OK

While I iron my clothes in the morning I am stuck watching that fucking sorry excuse for a CBS morning show, The Early Show (the TV in our "ironing room" isn't digitally ready and it only picks up CBS so I'm stuck watching this shit and Rachel Ray.) Their obnoxious "witty banter" inspired this open letter.

Open letter to the CBS fucktards and any other "News-y" people.

Dear Fucktards

Adam Lambert is gay. Whoop-di-do. Duh. As Kate would say if you "lived in the world" you already knew. (However for some reason my mother says she had no idea. She gets a pass, she barely lives in the world...she lives in Wyoming.)

I am really fucking tired of hearing you people say things like, "Why is this news?" I tend to agree, it shouldn't be news, there are far more important things going on in the world.

What is really chapping my hide is that you sit there on TV and pat yourselves on the back thinking you are some grand champion of the gay. You think that you are liberal and smart and progressive because you think the gayness of Lambert is not important. I have news for you, you're not liberal and smart and progressive, you're lame.

While Lambert's coming out is not news it is important.
Here is why:
• Every day some kid is socked in the mouth, beaten up or far worse, just because he or she sucks dick or munches beav. Not occasionally but EVERY DAY. Every day some kid feels like it would be easier to swallow 40 pills than have to hear some bully call him a faggot one more time. It is important because it shows them that they are not alone. It is important because it shows the bigots and the bullies that we are everywhere (and, God forbid, they might have voted for one.)

• There are kids who are terrified of coming out. Terrified of what their friends will say, of what their parents will do. It helps to have multiple faces of gayness in the world for them to see. I am friends with a high school "baby gay" who is tormented and depressed because no one has ever said to him that being gay is ok. I spent 4 hours listening to him (I'll write about that later) tell me about the feelings he has and not know what to do about it or even if it was ok. When you're straight you are constantly shown what to do with your feelings, you see couples kiss or hold hands, you see them with their kids and are invited to their weddings. As a gay, you rarely see public affection and as far as families or marriage, its still illegal in most places (I have hope and it is getting much better.) Adam Lambert coming out helps to say, "It is OK to be gay."

• I know first hand what being a confused little gayling is like. I didn't come out until I was 30. My first boyfriend of 7 years was just "my roommate." I grew up in the 80's. There weren't many gays on TV. I mean I danced with Wham and Boy George but they weren't gay, they were eccentric. I thought in the 7th grade that because I had feelings for boys I was going to get "the gay disease"...AIDS. Like the gay gene spontaneously generated AIDS with the onset of puberty. You should know that this was YEARS before I ever even french kissed anyone much less did anything that would expose me to HIV. I spent at least a year trying to figure out how to tell my parents that not only was I gay but I also had AIDS. I would have loved to have seen a young person come out and show me that it is ok.

So you should know, you lame ass news fucktards, that while Lambert's flamboyant faggotry isn't news, it is important (and you should start acting like it is.)

Yours truly,

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Twink Fucker

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wish I Could See the Dress

I'm designing materials for an upcoming wedding and it may be the most ghetto thing I've come across. As they are to light the Unity Candle they wanted it to say, "We light the candle in membrence of....." Membrance? I corrected it, "Remembrance" and sent a proof only to have them insist I had it wrong and to put membrance back in.
Ok, its your wedding.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best

From my husband.

Flippy Bouncy Sexy Beast

The guy is an amazing Flippy Bouncy Sexy Beast! He should be some new ninja super hero.

After the Credits

Another movie post...this site tells you if there is more movie after the credits. This makes me happy cause I usually have to pee.

Everything's Better When Everyone's Gay

This made me laugh...I really liked "ass-a-ma-doodles" and cork-"screw-ma-diggers"

I Gotta Pee

Someone has made this site just for me I am sure. I can barely make it through a movie without having to pee (might have something to do with the gigantic Diet Pepsi I always get) and now I can find out when the best time to sneak off to the toilet.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I am a bit fascinated by this blog.

"Welcome to the 21st century. In these times, a person who is isolated at the South Pole still can write and publish a blog that the whole world can read..."